函数指针Function Pointers


此建议提供的语言构造提供当前无法有效访问或根本不能在 c # 中访问的 IL 操作码: ldftncalliThis proposal provides language constructs that expose IL opcodes that cannot currently be accessed efficiently, or at all, in C# today: ldftn and calli. 这些 IL 操作码在高性能代码中非常重要,开发人员需要一种高效的访问方式。These IL opcodes can be important in high performance code and developers need an efficient way to access them.


下面的问题中描述了此功能的动机和背景, (方式是功能) 的可能实现:The motivations and background for this feature are described in the following issue (as is a potential implementation of the feature):


这是编译器内部函数的替代设计建议This is an alternate design proposal to compiler intrinsics

详细设计Detailed Design

函数指针Function pointers

该语言将允许使用语法声明函数指针 delegate*The language will allow for the declaration of function pointers using the delegate* syntax. 在下一节中详细介绍了完整的语法,但它应类似于 Func 和类型声明所使用的语法 ActionThe full syntax is described in detail in the next section but it is meant to resemble the syntax used by Func and Action type declarations.

unsafe class Example {
    void Example(Action<int> a, delegate*<int, void> f) {

这些类型使用 ECMA-335 中所述的函数指针类型来表示。These types are represented using the function pointer type as outlined in ECMA-335. 这意味着对的调用将 delegate* 使用对 calli delegate 方法使用的调用 callvirt InvokeThis means invocation of a delegate* will use calli where invocation of a delegate will use callvirt on the Invoke method. 当然,对于这两种构造,调用是相同的。Syntactically though invocation is identical for both constructs.

方法指针的 ECMA-335 定义包含调用约定,作为类型签名的一部分 (节 7.1) 。The ECMA-335 definition of method pointers includes the calling convention as part of the type signature (section 7.1). 默认调用约定将为 managedThe default calling convention will be managed. 通过 unmanaged 将关键字叫到 delegate* 将使用运行时平台默认的语法,可以指定非托管调用约定。Unmanaged calling conventions can by specified by putting an unmanaged keyword afer the delegate* syntax, which will use the runtime platform default. 然后 unmanaged ,可以通过在命名空间中指定以命名空间开头的任何类型,在括号中指定特定的非托管约定 CallConv System.Runtime.CompilerServices ,而不是 CallConv 前缀。Specific unmanaged conventions can then be specified in brackets to the unmanaged keyword by specifying any type starting with CallConv in the System.Runtime.CompilerServices namespace, leaving off the CallConv prefix. 这些类型必须来自程序的核心库,并且一组有效的组合依赖于平台。These types must come from the program's core library, and the set of valid combinations is platform-dependent.

//This method has a managed calling convention. This is the same as leaving the managed keyword off.
delegate* managed<int, int>;

// This method will be invoked using whatever the default unmanaged calling convention on the runtime
// platform is. This is platform and architecture dependent and is determined by the CLR at runtime.
delegate* unmanaged<int, int>;

// This method will be invoked using the cdecl calling convention
// Cdecl maps to System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallConvCdecl
delegate* unmanaged[Cdecl] <int, int>;

// This method will be invoked using the stdcall calling convention, and suppresses GC transition
// Stdcall maps to System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallConvStdcall
// SuppressGCTransition maps to System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallConvSuppressGCTransition
delegate* unmanaged[Stdcall, SuppressGCTransition] <int, int>;

类型之间的转换 delegate* 是根据其签名(包括调用约定)完成的。Conversions between delegate* types is done based on their signature including the calling convention.

unsafe class Example {
    void Conversions() {
        delegate*<int, int, int> p1 = ...;
        delegate* managed<int, int, int> p2 = ...;
        delegate* unmanaged<int, int, int> p3 = ...;

        p1 = p2; // okay p1 and p2 have compatible signatures
        Console.WriteLine(p2 == p1); // True
        p2 = p3; // error: calling conventions are incompatible

delegate*类型是指针类型,这意味着它具有标准指针类型的所有功能和限制:A delegate* type is a pointer type which means it has all of the capabilities and restrictions of a standard pointer type:

  • 仅在上下文中有效 unsafeOnly valid in an unsafe context.
  • delegate*只能从上下文调用包含参数或返回类型的方法 unsafeMethods which contain a delegate* parameter or return type can only be called from an unsafe context.
  • 不能转换为 objectCannot be converted to object.
  • 不能用作泛型参数。Cannot be used as a generic argument.
  • 可隐式转换 delegate*void*Can implicitly convert delegate* to void*.
  • 可以从显式转换 void*delegate*Can explicitly convert from void* to delegate*.


  • 自定义特性不能应用于 delegate* 或它的任何元素。Custom attributes cannot be applied to a delegate* or any of its elements.
  • delegate*不能将参数标记为paramsA delegate* parameter cannot be marked as params
  • delegate*类型具有正常指针类型的所有限制。A delegate* type has all of the restrictions of a normal pointer type.
  • 指针算法不能直接对函数指针类型执行。Pointer arithmetic cannot be performed directly on function pointer types.

函数指针语法Function pointer syntax

完整的函数指针语法由以下语法表示:The full function pointer syntax is represented by the following grammar:

    : ...
    | funcptr_type

    : 'delegate' '*' calling_convention_specifier? '<' funcptr_parameter_list funcptr_return_type '>'

    : 'managed'
    | 'unmanaged' ('[' unmanaged_calling_convention ']')?

    : 'Cdecl'
    | 'Stdcall'
    | 'Thiscall'
    | 'Fastcall'
    | identifier (',' identifier)*

    : (funcptr_parameter ',')*

    : funcptr_parameter_modifier? type

    : funcptr_return_modifier? return_type

    : 'ref'
    | 'out'
    | 'in'

    : 'ref'
    | 'ref readonly'

如果未 calling_convention_specifier 提供,则默认值为 managedIf no calling_convention_specifier is provided, the default is managed. calling_convention_specifier identifier unmanaged_calling_convention 调用约定的元数据表示形式中介绍了的精确元数据编码以及在中有效的。The precise metadata encoding of the calling_convention_specifier and what identifiers are valid in the unmanaged_calling_convention is covered in Metadata Representation of Calling Conventions.

delegate int Func1(string s);
delegate Func1 Func2(Func1 f);

// Function pointer equivalent without calling convention
delegate*<string, int>;
delegate*<delegate*<string, int>, delegate*<string, int>>;

// Function pointer equivalent with calling convention
delegate* managed<string, int>;
delegate*<delegate* managed<string, int>, delegate*<string, int>>;

函数指针转换Function pointer conversions

在不安全的上下文中,将扩展 (隐式转换) 的可用隐式转换集,使其包含以下隐式指针转换:In an unsafe context, the set of available implicit conversions (Implicit conversions) is extended to include the following implicit pointer conversions:

  • 现有转换Existing conversions
  • 如果满足以下所有条件,则从 funcptr _ 类型 F0 到另一 funcptr _ 类型 F1From funcptr_type F0 to another funcptr_type F1, provided all of the following are true:
    • F0F1 具有相同数量的参数,中的每个参数与 D0n F0 ref out in 中的相应参数具有相同的、或修饰符 D1n F1F0 and F1 have the same number of parameters, and each parameter D0n in F0 has the same ref, out, or in modifiers as the corresponding parameter D1n in F1.
    • 对于每个 value 参数 (没有 refoutin 修饰符) 的参数,存在从中的参数类型 F0 到中的相应参数类型的标识转换、隐式引用转换或隐式指针转换 F1For each value parameter (a parameter with no ref, out, or in modifier), an identity conversion, implicit reference conversion, or implicit pointer conversion exists from the parameter type in F0 to the corresponding parameter type in F1.
    • 对于每个 refoutin 参数,中的参数类型与 F0 中相应的参数类型相同 F1For each ref, out, or in parameter, the parameter type in F0 is the same as the corresponding parameter type in F1.
    • 如果返回类型是通过值 (no refref readonly) 、标识、隐式引用或隐式指针转换从的返回类型 F1 到的返回类型 F0If the return type is by value (no ref or ref readonly), an identity, implicit reference, or implicit pointer conversion exists from the return type of F1 to the return type of F0.
    • 如果返回类型是按引用 (refref readonly) ,则的返回类型和修饰符与的 ref F1 返回类型和 ref 修饰符相同 F0If the return type is by reference (ref or ref readonly), the return type and ref modifiers of F1 are the same as the return type and ref modifiers of F0.
    • 的调用约定与的 F0 调用约定相同 F1The calling convention of F0 is the same as the calling convention of F1.

允许目标方法的地址Allow address-of to target methods

现在将允许方法组作为表达式的参数。Method groups will now be allowed as arguments to an address-of expression. 此类表达式的类型将为, delegate* 它具有目标方法的等效签名和托管调用约定:The type of such an expression will be a delegate* which has the equivalent signature of the target method and a managed calling convention:

unsafe class Util {
    public static void Log() { }

    void Use() {
        delegate*<void> ptr1 = &Util.Log;

        // Error: type "delegate*<void>" not compatible with "delegate*<int>";
        delegate*<int> ptr2 = &Util.Log;

在不安全的上下文中, M F 如果满足以下所有条件,则方法与函数指针类型兼容:In an unsafe context, a method M is compatible with a function pointer type F if all of the following are true:

  • MF 具有相同数量的参数,中的每个参数与 M ref out in 中的相应参数具有相同的、或修饰符 FM and F have the same number of parameters, and each parameter in M has the same ref, out, or in modifiers as the corresponding parameter in F.
  • 对于每个 value 参数 (没有 refoutin 修饰符) 的参数,存在从中的参数类型 M 到中的相应参数类型的标识转换、隐式引用转换或隐式指针转换 FFor each value parameter (a parameter with no ref, out, or in modifier), an identity conversion, implicit reference conversion, or implicit pointer conversion exists from the parameter type in M to the corresponding parameter type in F.
  • 对于每个 refoutin 参数,中的参数类型与 M 中相应的参数类型相同 FFor each ref, out, or in parameter, the parameter type in M is the same as the corresponding parameter type in F.
  • 如果返回类型是通过值 (no refref readonly) 、标识、隐式引用或隐式指针转换从的返回类型 F 到的返回类型 MIf the return type is by value (no ref or ref readonly), an identity, implicit reference, or implicit pointer conversion exists from the return type of F to the return type of M.
  • 如果返回类型是按引用 (refref readonly) ,则的返回类型和修饰符与的 ref F 返回类型和 ref 修饰符相同 MIf the return type is by reference (ref or ref readonly), the return type and ref modifiers of F are the same as the return type and ref modifiers of M.
  • 的调用约定与的 M 调用约定相同 FThe calling convention of M is the same as the calling convention of F. 这包括调用约定位,以及非托管标识符中指定的任何调用约定标志。This includes both the calling convention bit, as well as any calling convention flags specified in the unmanaged identifier.
  • M 是静态方法。M is a static method.

在不安全的上下文中,如果包含的表达式的目标为方法组,而该表达式的目标为方法组,则该表达式的目标为方法组, E F 前提是至少有 E 一个方法适用于通过使用的参数类型和修饰符构造的参数列表 F ,如下所述。In an unsafe context, an implicit conversion exists from an address-of expression whose target is a method group E to a compatible function pointer type F if E contains at least one method that is applicable in its normal form to an argument list constructed by use of the parameter types and modifiers of F, as described in the following.

  • 选择一个方法,该方法 M 对应于窗体的方法调用 E(A) ,其中包含以下修改:A single method M is selected corresponding to a method invocation of the form E(A) with the following modifications:
    • 参数列表 A 是一个表达式列表,每个表达式都分类为一个变量,并使用类型和修饰符 (ref 、或的 out in 相应 funcptr _ 参数 _ 列表 的) FThe arguments list A is a list of expressions, each classified as a variable and with the type and modifier (ref, out, or in) of the corresponding funcptr_parameter_list of F.
    • 候选方法只是那些适用于其普通窗体的方法,而不是以其展开形式适用的方法。The candidate methods are only those methods that are applicable in their normal form, not those applicable in their expanded form.
    • 候选方法仅为静态方法。The candidate methods are only those methods that are static.
  • 如果重载决策的算法产生错误,则会发生编译时错误。If the algorithm of overload resolution produces an error, then a compile-time error occurs. 否则,该算法将生成单个最佳方法, M 该方法的参数数目与 F 相同,转换被视为存在。Otherwise, the algorithm produces a single best method M having the same number of parameters as F and the conversion is considered to exist.
  • 所选的方法 M 必须与) 与函数指针类型一起定义 (兼容 FThe selected method M must be compatible (as defined above) with the function pointer type F. 否则,将发生编译时错误。Otherwise, a compile-time error occurs.
  • 转换的结果是类型的函数指针 FThe result of the conversion is a function pointer of type F.

这意味着开发人员可以依赖重载决策规则与地址运算符结合使用:This means developers can depend on overload resolution rules to work in conjunction with the address-of operator:

unsafe class Util {
    public static void Log() { }
    public static void Log(string p1) { }
    public static void Log(int i) { };

    void Use() {
        delegate*<void> a1 = &Log; // Log()
        delegate*<int, void> a2 = &Log; // Log(int i)

        // Error: ambiguous conversion from method group Log to "void*"
        void* v = &Log;

将使用指令实现的地址为的运算符 ldftnThe address-of operator will be implemented using the ldftn instruction.

此功能的限制:Restrictions of this feature:

  • 仅适用于标记为的方法 staticOnly applies to methods marked as static.
  • static 本地函数不能在中使用 &Non-static local functions cannot be used in &. 这些方法的实现细节特意不由语言指定。The implementation details of these methods are deliberately not specified by the language. 这包括它们是静态的还是实例的,或者是否与它们一起发出的签名完全相同。This includes whether they are static vs. instance or exactly what signature they are emitted with.

函数指针类型上的运算符Operators on Function Pointer Types

将按如下所示修改不安全代码中的部分:The section in unsafe code on operators is modified as such:

在不安全的上下文中,有多个构造可用于在 _ 不 _funcptr type_s 的所有 _pointer type_s 上运行 _ :In an unsafe context, several constructs are available for operating on all _pointer_type_s that are not _funcptr_type_s:

在不安全的上下文中,有多个构造可用于在所有 _funcptr type_s 上操作 _ :In an unsafe context, several constructs are available for operating on all _funcptr_type_s:

此外,我们修改中的所有部分 Pointers in expressions 以禁止函数指针类型(和除外) Pointer comparison The sizeof operatorAdditionally, we modify all the sections in Pointers in expressions to forbid function pointer types, except Pointer comparison and The sizeof operator.

更好的函数成员Better function member

更好的函数成员规范将更改为包含以下行:The better function member specification will be changed to include the following line:

delegate*void*A delegate* is more specific than void*

这意味着,可以在和上重载, void* delegate* 但仍揭示使用地址运算符。This means that it is possible to overload on void* and a delegate* and still sensibly use the address-of operator.

类型推断Type Inference

在不安全代码中,对类型推理算法进行了以下更改:In unsafe code, the following changes are made to the type inference algorithms:

输入类型Input types


添加了以下内容:The following is added:

如果 E 是方法组的地址并且 T 是函数指针类型,则的所有参数类型 T 均为类型为的输入类型 E TIf E is an address-of method group and T is a function pointer type then all the parameter types of T are input types of E with type T.

输出类型Output types


添加了以下内容:The following is added:

如果 E 是方法组地址并且 T 是函数指针类型,则的返回类型 T 是类型为的输出类型 E TIf E is an address-of method group and T is a function pointer type then the return type of T is an output type of E with type T.

输出类型推断Output type inferences


在项目符号2和3之间添加以下项目符号:The following bullet is added between bullets 2 and 3:

  • 如果 E 是方法组的地址,并且 T 是具有参数类型和返回类型的函数指针类型 T1...Tk Tb ,且类型为的重载解析 E 产生了 T1..Tk 返回类型的单个方法 U ,则将从到进行 下限推理 U TbIf E is an address-of method group and T is a function pointer type with parameter types T1...Tk and return type Tb, and overload resolution of E with the types T1..Tk yields a single method with return type U, then a lower-bound inference is made from U to Tb.

精确推断Exact inferences


以下子项目符号将作为方案添加到项目符号2:The following sub-bullet is added as a case to bullet 2:

  • V 是一个函数指针类型 delegate*<V2..Vk, V1> U ,并且是一个函数指针类型 delegate*<U2..Uk, U1> ,的调用约定与 V 相同 U ,并且的 refness 与 Vi 相同 UiV is a function pointer type delegate*<V2..Vk, V1> and U is a function pointer type delegate*<U2..Uk, U1>, and the calling convention of V is identical to U, and the refness of Vi is identical to Ui.

下限推理Lower-bound inferences


以下事例添加到了项目符号3:The following case is added to bullet 3:

  • V 是一个函数指针类型, delegate*<V2..Vk, V1> 并且存在与相同的函数指针类型 delegate*<U2..Uk, U1> ,的 U delegate*<U2..Uk, U1> 调用约定与相同,并且的 V refness 与 U Vi 相同 UiV is a function pointer type delegate*<V2..Vk, V1> and there is a function pointer type delegate*<U2..Uk, U1> such that U is identical to delegate*<U2..Uk, U1>, and the calling convention of V is identical to U, and the refness of Vi is identical to Ui.

将从到的推理的第一个项目符号 Ui Vi 修改为:The first bullet of inference from Ui to Vi is modified to:

  • 如果不是 U 函数指针类型并且 Ui 未知是引用类型,或者是 U 函数指针类型并且未知的是函数 Ui 指针类型或引用类型,则进行 精确推理If U is not a function pointer type and Ui is not known to be a reference type, or if U is a function pointer type and Ui is not known to be a function pointer type or a reference type, then an exact inference is made

然后,将从到的推理的第三个项目符号后面添加 UiViThen, added after the 3rd bullet of inference from Ui to Vi:

  • 否则,如果 V 为, delegate*<V2..Vk, V1> 则推理依赖于的第 i 个参数 delegate*<V2..Vk, V1>Otherwise, if V is delegate*<V2..Vk, V1> then inference depends on the i-th parameter of delegate*<V2..Vk, V1>:
    • 如果 V1:If V1:
      • 如果返回值为,则进行 下限推理If the return is by value, then a lower-bound inference is made.
      • 如果按引用返回,则进行 精确推理If the return is by reference, then an exact inference is made.
    • 如果 V2 .。。VkIf V2..Vk:
      • 如果参数的值为,则进行 上限推理If the parameter is by value, then an upper-bound inference is made.
      • 如果参数是按引用进行的,则进行 精确推理If the parameter is by reference, then an exact inference is made.

上限推理Upper-bound inferences


将以下事例添加到项目符号2:The following case is added to bullet 2:

  • U 是一个函数指针类型, delegate*<U2..Uk, U1> 并且 V 是一个与相同的函数指针类型 delegate*<V2..Vk, V1> ,的调用约定与 U 相同 V ,并且的 refness 与 Ui 相同 ViU is a function pointer type delegate*<U2..Uk, U1> and V is a function pointer type which is identical to delegate*<V2..Vk, V1>, and the calling convention of U is identical to V, and the refness of Ui is identical to Vi.

将从到的推理的第一个项目符号 Ui Vi 修改为:The first bullet of inference from Ui to Vi is modified to:

  • 如果不是 U 函数指针类型并且 Ui 未知是引用类型,或者是 U 函数指针类型并且未知的是函数 Ui 指针类型或引用类型,则进行 精确推理If U is not a function pointer type and Ui is not known to be a reference type, or if U is a function pointer type and Ui is not known to be a function pointer type or a reference type, then an exact inference is made

然后,将从到的推理的第三个项目符号后面添加 UiViThen added after the 3rd bullet of inference from Ui to Vi:

  • 否则,如果 U 为, delegate*<U2..Uk, U1> 则推理依赖于的第 i 个参数 delegate*<U2..Uk, U1>Otherwise, if U is delegate*<U2..Uk, U1> then inference depends on the i-th parameter of delegate*<U2..Uk, U1>:
    • 如果 U1:If U1:
      • 如果返回值为,则进行 上限推理If the return is by value, then an upper-bound inference is made.
      • 如果按引用返回,则进行 精确推理If the return is by reference, then an exact inference is made.
    • 如果英式If U2..Uk:
      • 如果参数的值为,则进行 下限推理If the parameter is by value, then a lower-bound inference is made.
      • 如果参数是按引用进行的,则进行 精确推理If the parameter is by reference, then an exact inference is made.

inoutref readonly 参数和返回类型的元数据表示形式Metadata representation of in, out, and ref readonly parameters and return types

函数指针签名没有参数标志位置,因此,我们必须使用 modreqs 对参数和返回类型是 inout 还是进行编码 ref readonlyFunction pointer signatures have no parameter flags location, so we must encode whether parameters and the return type are in, out, or ref readonly by using modreqs.


System.Runtime.InteropServices.InAttribute 作为 modreq 参数或返回类型上的 ref 说明符的重复使用,以表示以下内容:We reuse System.Runtime.InteropServices.InAttribute, applied as a modreq to the ref specifier on a parameter or return type, to mean the following:

  • 如果应用于参数 ref 说明符,此参数将被视为 inIf applied to a parameter ref specifier, this parameter is treated as in.
  • 如果应用于返回类型 ref 说明符,返回类型将被视为 ref readonlyIf applied to the return type ref specifier, the return type is treated as ref readonly.


我们使用将 System.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttribute 作为 modreq 参数类型上的 ref 说明符的,以表示该参数是一个 out 参数。We use System.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttribute, applied as a modreq to the ref specifier on a parameter type, to mean that the parameter is an out parameter.


  • 将作为 modreq 应用于返回类型是错误的 OutAttributeIt is an error to apply OutAttribute as a modreq to a return type.
  • InAttributeOutAttribute 作为 modreq 应用到参数类型是错误的。It is an error to apply both InAttribute and OutAttribute as a modreq to a parameter type.
  • 如果通过 modopt 指定任一方法,则它们将被忽略。If either are specified via modopt, they are ignored.

调用约定的元数据表示形式Metadata Representation of Calling Conventions

调用约定在元数据的方法签名中通过签名中标志的组合进行编码 CallKind ,而在签名的开头有零个或多个 modoptCalling conventions are encoded in a method signature in metadata by a combination of the CallKind flag in the signature and zero or more modopts at the start of the signature. ECMA-335 当前声明标志中的以下元素 CallKindECMA-335 currently declares the following elements in the CallKind flag:

   : default
   | unmanaged cdecl
   | unmanaged fastcall
   | unmanaged thiscall
   | unmanaged stdcall
   | varargs

其中,c # 中的函数指针将支持除之外的所有函数 varargsOf these, function pointers in C# will support all but varargs.

此外,运行时 (和最终 335) 将更新为 CallKind 在新平台上包含新的。In addition, the runtime (and eventually 335) will be updated to include a new CallKind on new platforms. 目前没有正式的名称,但本文档将用作 unmanaged ext 新的可扩展调用约定格式的占位符作为替代。This does not have a formal name currently, but this document will use unmanaged ext as a placeholder to stand for the new extensible calling convention format. 不包含 modoptunmanaged ext 是平台默认调用约定, unmanaged 不带方括号。With no modopts, unmanaged ext is the platform default calling convention, unmanaged without the square brackets.

将映射 calling_convention_specifierCallKindMapping the calling_convention_specifier to a CallKind

calling_convention_specifier省略或指定为的将 managed 映射到 default CallKindA calling_convention_specifier that is omitted, or specified as managed, maps to the default CallKind. 这是 CallKind 未特性化的任何方法的默认值 UnmanagedCallersOnlyThis is default CallKind of any method not attributed with UnmanagedCallersOnly.

C # 识别从 ECMA 335 映射到特定现有非托管的4个特殊标识符 CallKindC# recognizes 4 special identifiers that map to specific existing unmanaged CallKinds from ECMA 335. 若要进行此映射,必须自行指定这些标识符,无需任何其他标识符,并且此要求将编码到中的规范中 unmanaged_calling_conventionIn order for this mapping to occur, these identifiers must be specified on their own, with no other identifiers, and this requirement is encoded into the spec for unmanaged_calling_conventions. 这些标识符 Cdecl Thiscall Stdcall Fastcall unmanaged cdecl unmanaged thiscall unmanaged stdcall unmanaged fastcall 分别分别对应于、、和。These identifiers are Cdecl, Thiscall, Stdcall, and Fastcall, which correspond to unmanaged cdecl, unmanaged thiscall, unmanaged stdcall, and unmanaged fastcall, respectively. 如果指定了多个 identifer ,或单个不 identifier 属于专门识别的标识符,我们将对标识符执行特殊的名称查找,规则如下:If more than one identifer is specified, or the single identifier is not of the specially recognized identifiers, we perform special name lookup on the identifier with the following rules:

  • 在前面追加 identifier 字符串 CallConvWe prepend the identifier with the string CallConv
  • 我们仅查看在命名空间中定义的类型 System.Runtime.CompilerServicesWe look only at types defined in the System.Runtime.CompilerServices namespace.
  • 我们仅查看在应用程序的核心库中定义的类型,它是用于定义 System.Object 和没有依赖项的库。We look only at types defined in the core library of the application, which is the library that defines System.Object and has no dependencies.
  • 我们仅探讨公共类型。We look only at public types.

如果在中指定的所有上 identifier 进行查找成功 unmanaged_calling_convention ,我们会将编码 CallKindunmanaged ext ,并对 modopt 函数指针签名开头的一组中的每个已解析类型进行编码。If lookup succeeds on all of the identifiers specified in an unmanaged_calling_convention, we encode the CallKind as unmanaged ext, and encode each of the resolved types in the set of modopts at the beginning of the function pointer signature. 请注意,这些规则意味着用户不能 identifier 使用作为的前缀 CallConv ,因为这会导致查找 CallConvCallConvVectorCallAs a note, these rules mean that users cannot prefix these identifiers with CallConv, as that will result in looking up CallConvCallConvVectorCall.

解释元数据时,首先查看 CallKindWhen interpreting metadata, we first look at the CallKind. 如果不是 unmanaged ext ,我们将忽略 modopt 返回类型上的所有,以确定调用约定,并且仅使用 CallKindIf it is anything other than unmanaged ext, we ignore all modopts on the return type for the purposes of determining the calling convention, and use only the CallKind. 如果 CallKindunmanaged ext ,我们将查看函数指针类型开头的 modopts,并采用满足以下要求的所有类型的并集:If the CallKind is unmanaged ext, we look at the modopts at the start of the function pointer type, taking the union of all types that meet the following requirements:

  • 是在核心库中定义的,它是不引用其他库和定义的库 System.ObjectThe is defined in the core library, which is the library that references no other libraries and defines System.Object.
  • 类型是在命名空间中定义的 System.Runtime.CompilerServicesThe type is defined in the System.Runtime.CompilerServices namespace.
  • 类型以前缀开头 CallConvThe type starts with the prefix CallConv.
  • 类型是公共的。The type is public.

这表示 identifier unmanaged_calling_convention 当在源中定义函数指针类型时对中的执行查找时必须找到的类型。These represent the types that must be found when performing lookup on the identifiers in an unmanaged_calling_convention when defining a function pointer type in source.

CallKind unmanaged ext 如果目标运行时不支持该功能,则尝试将函数指针与的结合使用是错误的。It is an error to attempt to use a function pointer with a CallKind of unmanaged ext if the target runtime does not support the feature. 这将通过查找是否存在常量来确定 System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeFeature.UnmanagedCallKindThis will be determined by looking for the presence of the System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeFeature.UnmanagedCallKind constant. 如果此常量存在,则将运行时视为支持该功能。If this constant is present, the runtime is considered to support the feature.


System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedCallersOnlyAttribute 是 CLR 用来指示应使用特定调用约定调用方法的属性。System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedCallersOnlyAttribute is an attribute used by the CLR to indicate that a method should be called with a specific calling convention. 因此,我们引入了以下对使用该属性的支持:Because of this, we introduce the following support for working with the attribute:

  • 直接从 c # 中调用使用此属性批注的方法是错误的。It is an error to directly call a method annotated with this attribute from C#. 用户必须获取指向方法的函数指针,然后调用该指针。Users must obtain a function pointer to the method and then invoke that pointer.
  • 将该特性应用于一般静态方法或普通静态本地函数之外的任何内容是错误的。It is an error to apply the attribute to anything other than an ordinary static method or ordinary static local function. C # 编译器会将从元数据导入的任何非静态或静态非普通方法标记为该语言不支持的属性。The C# compiler will mark any non-static or static non-ordinary methods imported from metadata with this attribute as unsupported by the language.
  • 对于用特性标记的方法,如果该方法的参数或返回类型不是,则是错误的 unmanaged_typeIt is an error for a method marked with the attribute to have a parameter or return type that is not an unmanaged_type.
  • 如果用特性标记的方法具有类型参数,则是错误的,即使这些类型参数被约束为也是如此 unmanagedIt is an error for a method marked with the attribute to have type parameters, even if those type parameters are constrained to unmanaged.
  • 泛型类型中的方法使用属性进行标记是错误的。It is an error for a method in a generic type to be marked with the attribute.
  • 将用特性标记的方法转换为委托类型是错误的。It is an error to convert a method marked with the attribute to a delegate type.
  • 为指定的任何类型不 UnmanagedCallersOnly.CallConvs 符合 modopt 在元数据中调用约定的要求是错误的。It is an error to specify any types for UnmanagedCallersOnly.CallConvs that do not meet the requirements for calling convention modopts in metadata.

确定使用有效特性标记的方法的调用约定时 UnmanagedCallersOnly ,编译器将对属性中指定的类型执行以下检查, CallConvs 以确定 CallKind modopt 应该用于确定调用约定的有效和。When determining the calling convention of a method marked with a valid UnmanagedCallersOnly attribute, the compiler performs the following checks on the types specified in the CallConvs property to determine the effective CallKind and modopts that should be used to determine the calling convention:

  • 如果未指定类型,则将 CallKind 视为,在 unmanaged ext modopt 函数指针类型的开头没有调用约定 s。If no types are specified, the CallKind is treated as unmanaged ext, with no calling convention modopts at the start of the function pointer type.
  • 如果指定了一种类型,并且该类型命名为、、或,则将 CallConvCdecl CallConvThiscall CallConvStdcall CallConvFastcall CallKind 分别处理为 unmanaged cdeclunmanaged thiscallunmanaged stdcall 或,并且 unmanaged fastcall modopt 函数指针类型的开头没有调用约定 s。If there is one type specified, and that type is named CallConvCdecl, CallConvThiscall, CallConvStdcall, or CallConvFastcall, the CallKind is treated as unmanaged cdecl, unmanaged thiscall, unmanaged stdcall, or unmanaged fastcall, respectively, with no calling convention modopts at the start of the function pointer type.
  • 如果指定了多个类型,或未将单个类型命名为上面专门调用的类型之一,则 CallKind 会将视为 unmanaged ext ,并将指定的类型的联合视为 modopt 函数指针类型的开头。If multiple types are specified or the single type is not named one of the specially called out types above, the CallKind is treated as unmanaged ext, with the union of the types specified treated as modopts at the start of the function pointer type.

然后,编译器会查看此有效 CallKindmodopt 集合,并使用正常的元数据规则来确定函数指针类型的最终调用约定。The compiler then looks at this effective CallKind and modopt collection and uses normal metadata rules to determine the final calling convention of the function pointer type.

未解决的问题Open Questions

检测运行时支持 unmanaged extDetecting runtime support for unmanaged ext

https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/38135 跟踪添加此标志。https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/38135 tracks adding this flag. 根据评审的反馈,我们将使用问题中指定的属性,或使用的状态 UnmanagedCallersOnlyAttribute 作为确定运行时是否支持的标志 unmanaged extDepending on the feedback from review, we will either use the property specified in the issue, or use the presence of UnmanagedCallersOnlyAttribute as the flag that determines whether the runtimes supports unmanaged ext.


允许实例方法Allow instance methods

可以通过使用 EXPLICITTHIS instance c # 代码) 中 (指定的 CLI 调用约定,将该建议扩展为支持实例方法。The proposal could be extended to support instance methods by taking advantage of the EXPLICITTHIS CLI calling convention (named instance in C# code). 这种形式的 CLI 函数指针将 this 参数作为函数指针语法的显式第一个参数。This form of CLI function pointers puts the this parameter as an explicit first parameter of the function pointer syntax.

unsafe class Instance {
    void Use() {
        delegate* instance<Instance, string> f = &ToString;

这听起来很复杂,但在提议中增加一些复杂化。This is sound but adds some complication to the proposal. 特别是,由于与调用约定不同的函数指针 instance 并不 managed 兼容,即使两种情况都用于使用相同的 c # 签名调用托管方法。Particularly because function pointers which differed by the calling convention instance and managed would be incompatible even though both cases are used to invoke managed methods with the same C# signature. 此外,在每种情况下,在这种情况下,有一个简单的解决方法是很有价值的:使用 static 本地函数。Also in every case considered where this would be valuable to have there was a simple work around: use a static local function.

unsafe class Instance {
    void Use() {
        static string toString(Instance i) => i.ToString();
        delegate*<Instance, string> f = &toString;

声明时不需要 unsafeDon't require unsafe at declaration

不需要 unsafe 每次使用 delegate* ,只需要在将方法组转换为的点上使用 delegate*Instead of requiring unsafe at every use of a delegate*, only require it at the point where a method group is converted to a delegate*. 在这种情况下,核心安全问题就 (知道在值处于活动状态时不能卸载包含程序集) 。This is where the core safety issues come into play (knowing that the containing assembly cannot be unloaded while the value is alive). 如果需要 unsafe 其他位置,则可能会出现过多。Requiring unsafe on the other locations can be seen as excessive.

这就是设计的最初设计方式。This is how the design was originally intended. 但产生的语言规则觉得非常笨拙。But the resulting language rules felt very awkward. 这是不可能的,因为这是一个指针值,并且即使不使用关键字,它仍可查看 unsafeIt's impossible to hide the fact that this is a pointer value and it kept peeking through even without the unsafe keyword. 例如,无法允许转换为, object 它不能是等的成员。 classC # 设计需要 unsafe 使用所有指针,因此这种设计遵循这一设计。For example the conversion to object can't be allowed, it can't be a member of a class, etc ... The C# design is to require unsafe for all pointer uses and hence this design follows that.

开发人员仍可使用与 delegate* 今天普通指针类型相同的方式在值顶部呈现安全包装。Developers will still be capable of presenting a safe wrapper on top of delegate* values the same way that they do for normal pointer types today. 请注意以下几点:Consider:

unsafe struct Action {
    delegate*<void> _ptr;

    Action(delegate*<void> ptr) => _ptr = ptr;
    public void Invoke() => _ptr();

使用委托Using delegates

delegate*只需使用 delegate 具有以下类型的现有类型,而不是使用新的语法元素 *Instead of using a new syntax element, delegate*, simply use existing delegate types with a * following the type:

Func<object, object, bool>* ptr = &object.ReferenceEquals;

可以通过使用指定值的属性对类型进行批注来处理调用约定 delegate CallingConventionHandling calling convention can be done by annotating the delegate types with an attribute that specifies a CallingConvention value. 缺少特性会表示托管调用约定。The lack of an attribute would signify the managed calling convention.

在 IL 中对此进行编码会出现问题。Encoding this in IL is problematic. 基础值需要表示为一个指针,但它也必须:The underlying value needs to be represented as a pointer yet it also must:

  1. 具有唯一的类型,以允许具有不同函数指针类型的重载。Have a unique type to allow for overloads with different function pointer types.
  2. 对于跨程序集边界的 OHI 是等效的。Be equivalent for OHI purposes across assembly boundaries.

最后一点特别有问题。The last point is particularly problematic. 这意味着,使用的每个程序集都 Func<int>* 必须在元数据中对等效类型进行编码,即使 Func<int>* 是在程序集中定义的,但不进行控制。This mean that every assembly which uses Func<int>* must encode an equivalent type in metadata even though Func<int>* is defined in an assembly though don't control. 此外,在不是 mscorlib 的程序集中,使用名称定义的任何其他类型 System.Func<T> 必须与 mscorlib 中定义的版本不同。Additionally any other type which is defined with the name System.Func<T> in an assembly that is not mscorlib must be different than the version defined in mscorlib.

研究的一个选项是发出这样的指针 mod_req(Func<int>) void*One option that was explored was emitting such a pointer as mod_req(Func<int>) void*. 但这不起作用,因为 mod_req 无法绑定到 TypeSpec ,因此不能以泛型实例化为目标。This doesn't work though as a mod_req cannot bind to a TypeSpec and hence cannot target generic instantiations.

命名函数指针Named function pointers

函数指针语法可能比较繁琐,尤其是在复杂情况下,例如嵌套函数指针。The function pointer syntax can be cumbersome, particularly in complex cases like nested function pointers. 不是让开发人员在每次使用时都可以输入签名的函数指针的命名声明 delegateRather than have developers type out the signature every time the language could allow for named declarations of function pointers as is done with delegate.

func* void Action();

unsafe class NamedExample {
    void M(Action a) {

此处所述的问题是基础 CLI 基元没有名称,因此,这只是一个 c # 发明,需要使用一种元数据才能实现。Part of the problem here is the underlying CLI primitive doesn't have names hence this would be purely a C# invention and require a bit of metadata work to enable. 这是可行的,但这是一个重要的工作。That is doable but is a significant about of work. 实质上,它要求 c # 将类型定义表与这些名称一起使用。It essentially requires C# to have a companion to the type def table purely for these names.

此外,当检查命名函数指针的参数时,我们发现它们可以同样适用于许多其他方案。Also when the arguments for named function pointers were examined we found they could apply equally well to a number of other scenarios. 例如,将命名元组声明为在所有情况下都可以轻松地在所有情况下都需要键入完整的签名。For example it would be just as convenient to declare named tuples to reduce the need to type out the full signature in all cases.

(int x, int y) Point;

class NamedTupleExample {
    void M(Point p) {

讨论后,我们决定不允许类型为的声明声明 delegate*After discussion we decided to not allow named declaration of delegate* types. 如果我们发现,根据客户使用反馈,需要特别需要此功能,我们将调查适用于函数指针、元组、泛型等的命名解决方案。这种形式的可能与其他建议类似,如 typedef 语言的完全支持。If we find there is significant need for this based on customer usage feedback then we will investigate a naming solution that works for function pointers, tuples, generics, etc ... This is likely to be similar in form to other suggestions like full typedef support in the language.

未来的注意事项Future Considerations

静态委托static delegates

这是指允许类型声明的 建议delegate 这些类型只能引用 static 成员。This refers to the proposal to allow for the declaration of delegate types which can only refer to static members. 其优势在于,此类 delegate 实例可以在性能敏感的情况下免费分配和更好地分配。The advantage being that such delegate instances can be allocation free and better in performance sensitive scenarios.

如果实现函数指针功能, static delegate 建议可能会关闭。此功能的建议优点是分配免费性质。If the function pointer feature is implemented the static delegate proposal will likely be closed out. The proposed advantage of that feature is the allocation free nature. 但最近的调查发现,由于程序集卸载,无法实现。However recent investigations have found that is not possible to achieve due to assembly unloading. 必须有一个从到它所引用的方法的强句柄, static delegate 以防止程序集从其下卸载。There must be a strong handle from the static delegate to the method it refers to in order to keep the assembly from being unloaded out from under it.

若要维护每个 static delegate 实例,则需要分配一个新的句柄,该句柄运行到提议的目标。To maintain every static delegate instance would be required to allocate a new handle which runs counter to the goals of the proposal. 在某些设计中,分配可能会分摊到每个调用站点的单个分配,但这有点复杂,不值得权衡。There were some designs where the allocation could be amortized to a single allocation per call-site but that was a bit complex and didn't seem worth the trade off.

这意味着开发人员实质上必须决定以下权衡:That means developers essentially have to decide between the following trade offs:

  1. 程序集卸载面临的安全性:这需要分配,因此 delegate 已是一个足够的选项。Safety in the face of assembly unloading: this requires allocations and hence delegate is already a sufficient option.
  2. 程序集卸载没有任何安全:使用 delegate*No safety in face of assembly unloading: use a delegate*. 这可以包装在中 struct ,以允许 unsafe 在其余代码的上下文之外使用。This can be wrapped in a struct to allow usage outside an unsafe context in the rest of the code.