
本建议将跟踪 c # 9 记录功能的规范(由 c # 语言设计团队同意)。This proposal tracks the specification for the C# 9 records feature, as agreed to by the C# language design team.

记录的语法如下所示:The syntax for a record is as follows:

    : attributes? class_modifier* 'partial'? 'record' identifier type_parameter_list?
      parameter_list? record_base? type_parameter_constraints_clause* record_body

    : ':' class_type argument_list?
    | ':' interface_type_list
    | ':' class_type argument_list? ',' interface_type_list

    : '{' class_member_declaration* '}' ';'?
    | ';'

记录类型是引用类型,类似于类声明。Record types are reference types, similar to a class declaration. 如果不包含,记录将提供一个错误 record_base argument_list record_declaration parameter_listIt is an error for a record to provide a record_base argument_list if the record_declaration does not contain a parameter_list. 部分记录最多只能有一个分部类型声明提供 parameter_listAt most one partial type declaration of a partial record may provide a parameter_list.

记录参数不能 ref 使用 outthis 修饰符 (但 in params 允许) 。Record parameters cannot use ref, out or this modifiers (but in and params are allowed).


除非类为 object ,且类不能从记录继承,否则记录不能从类继承。Records cannot inherit from classes, unless the class is object, and classes cannot inherit from records. 记录可以继承自其他记录。Records can inherit from other records.

记录类型的成员Members of a record type

除了记录体中声明的成员,记录类型还具有附加的合成成员。In addition to the members declared in the record body, a record type has additional synthesized members. 如果在记录正文中声明了具有 "匹配" 签名的成员,或者继承了具有 "匹配" 签名的可访问的具体非虚拟成员,则将合成成员。Members are synthesized unless a member with a "matching" signature is declared in the record body or an accessible concrete non-virtual member with a "matching" signature is inherited. 如果两个成员具有相同的签名,或在继承方案中被视为 "隐藏",则会将其视为匹配项。Two members are considered matching if they have the same signature or would be considered "hiding" in an inheritance scenario. 将记录的成员命名为 "Clone" 是错误的。It is an error for a member of a record to be named "Clone". 如果记录的实例字段具有不安全类型,则是错误的。It is an error for an instance field of a record to have an unsafe type.

合成成员如下所示:The synthesized members are as follows:

相等成员Equality members

如果记录是从派生的 object ,则记录类型包括合成的 readonly 属性,该属性等效于声明的属性,如下所示:If the record is derived from object, the record type includes a synthesized readonly property equivalent to a property declared as follows:

Type EqualityContract { get; };

private如果记录类型为,则属性为 sealedThe property is private if the record type is sealed. 否则,属性为 virtualprotectedOtherwise, the property is virtual and protected. 可以显式声明属性。The property can be declared explicitly. 如果显式声明与预期的签名或辅助功能不匹配,或者如果显式声明不允许在派生类型中重写它并且记录类型不是,则是错误的 sealedIt is an error if the explicit declaration does not match the expected signature or accessibility, or if the explicit declaration doesn't allow overriding it in a derived type and the record type is not sealed.

如果记录类型是从基本记录类型派生的 Base ,则记录类型包括合成 readonly 属性,该属性等效于声明为的属性,如下所示:If the record type is derived from a base record type Base, the record type includes a synthesized readonly property equivalent to a property declared as follows:

protected override Type EqualityContract { get; };

可以显式声明属性。The property can be declared explicitly. 如果显式声明与预期的签名或辅助功能不匹配,或者如果显式声明不允许在派生类型中重写它并且记录类型不是,则是错误的 sealedIt is an error if the explicit declaration does not match the expected signature or accessibility, or if the explicit declaration doesn't allow overriding it in a derived type and the record type is not sealed. 如果合成的或显式声明的属性未在记录类型中重写具有此签名的属性,则该属性是错误的, Base 例如,如果在 Base 、密封或不是 ) 虚拟等中缺少该属性,则该属性 (。It is an error if either synthesized, or explicitly declared property doesn't override a property with this signature in the record type Base (for example, if the property is missing in the Base, or sealed, or not virtual, etc.). 合成属性返回 typeof(R) ,其中 R 是记录类型。The synthesized property returns typeof(R) where R is the record type.

记录类型实现 System.IEquatable<R> 并包含合成型强类型重载, Equals(R? other) 其中 R 是记录类型。The record type implements System.IEquatable<R> and includes a synthesized strongly-typed overload of Equals(R? other) where R is the record type. 方法为 public ,并且方法为, virtual 除非记录类型为 sealedThe method is public, and the method is virtual unless the record type is sealed. 可以显式声明方法。The method can be declared explicitly. 如果显式声明与预期的签名或辅助功能不匹配,或显式声明不允许在派生类型中重写,并且记录类型不是,则是错误的 sealedIt is an error if the explicit declaration does not match the expected signature or accessibility, or the explicit declaration doesn't allow overriding it in a derived type and the record type is not sealed.

如果 Equals(R? other) 是用户定义的 (未合成) 但 GetHashCode 不是,则会生成警告。If Equals(R? other) is user-defined (not synthesized) but GetHashCode is not, a warning is produced.

public virtual bool Equals(R? other);

Equals(R?) true 当且仅当以下各项都为时,合成返回 trueThe synthesized Equals(R?) returns true if and only if each of the following are true:

  • other 不是 null ,并且other is not null, and
  • 对于 fieldN 记录类型中不是继承的每个实例字段,其中的值 System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer<TN>.Default.Equals(fieldN, other.fieldN) TN 为字段类型,而For each instance field fieldN in the record type that is not inherited, the value of System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer<TN>.Default.Equals(fieldN, other.fieldN) where TN is the field type, and
  • 如果有基本记录类型,则的值 base.Equals(other) (对) 的非虚拟调用 public virtual bool Equals(Base? other) ; 否则为的值 EqualityContract == other.EqualityContractIf there is a base record type, the value of base.Equals(other) (a non-virtual call to public virtual bool Equals(Base? other)); otherwise the value of EqualityContract == other.EqualityContract.

记录类型包括合成 == 运算符和与 != 运算符等效的运算符,如下所示:The record type includes synthesized == and != operators equivalent to operators declared as follows:

public static bool operator==(R? left, R? right)
    => (object)left == right || (left?.Equals(right) ?? false);
public static bool operator!=(R? left, R? right)
    => !(left == right);

Equals运算符调用的方法 ==Equals(R? other) 上面指定的方法。The Equals method called by the == operator is the Equals(R? other) method specified above. !=运算符委托给 == 运算符。The != operator delegates to the == operator. 如果显式声明了运算符,则是错误的。It is an error if the operators are declared explicitly.

如果记录类型是从基本记录类型派生的 Base ,则记录类型包括合成重写等效于如下所示的方法:If the record type is derived from a base record type Base, the record type includes a synthesized override equivalent to a method declared as follows:

public sealed override bool Equals(Base? other);

如果显式声明了重写,则是错误的。It is an error if the override is declared explicitly. 如果方法在记录类型中未重写具有相同签名的方法,则是错误的 Base (例如,如果方法在中缺失, Base 或者密封或不是虚拟的,等等 ) 。It is an error if the method doesn't override a method with same signature in record type Base (for example, if the method is missing in the Base, or sealed, or not virtual, etc.). 合成重写返回 Equals((object?)other)The synthesized override returns Equals((object?)other).

记录类型包括合成重写等效于如下所示的方法:The record type includes a synthesized override equivalent to a method declared as follows:

public override bool Equals(object? obj);

如果显式声明了重写,则是错误的。It is an error if the override is declared explicitly. 如果该方法不重写 object.Equals(object? obj) (例如,由于中间基类型中的隐藏,等等 ) ,则是错误的。It is an error if the method doesn't override object.Equals(object? obj) (for example, due to shadowing in intermediate base types, etc.). 合成重写返回, Equals(other as R) 其中 R 是记录类型。The synthesized override returns Equals(other as R) where R is the record type.

记录类型包括合成重写等效于如下所示的方法:The record type includes a synthesized override equivalent to a method declared as follows:

public override int GetHashCode();

可以显式声明方法。The method can be declared explicitly. 如果显式声明不允许在派生类型中重写它并且记录类型不是,则是错误的 sealedIt is an error if the explicit declaration doesn't allow overriding it in a derived type and the record type is not sealed. 如果合成的或显式声明的方法不会重写 object.GetHashCode() (例如,由于中间基类型中的隐藏等 ) ,则是错误的。It is an error if either synthesized, or explicitly declared method doesn't override object.GetHashCode() (for example, due to shadowing in intermediate base types, etc.).

如果 Equals(R?) 和中 GetHashCode() 的一个是显式声明的,而另一个方法不是显式的,则会报告警告。A warning is reported if one of Equals(R?) and GetHashCode() is explicitly declared but the other method is not explicit.

的合成重写 GetHashCode() 返回 int 的结果与以下值组合在一起:The synthesized override of GetHashCode() returns an int result of combining the following values:

  • 对于 fieldN 记录类型中不是继承的每个实例字段,其中的值 System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer<TN>.Default.GetHashCode(fieldN) TN 为字段类型,而For each instance field fieldN in the record type that is not inherited, the value of System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer<TN>.Default.GetHashCode(fieldN) where TN is the field type, and
  • 如果有基本记录类型,则的值 base.GetHashCode() 为; 否则为的值 System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer<System.Type>.Default.GetHashCode(EqualityContract)If there is a base record type, the value of base.GetHashCode(); otherwise the value of System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer<System.Type>.Default.GetHashCode(EqualityContract).

例如,请考虑以下记录类型:For example, consider the following record types:

record R1(T1 P1);
record R2(T1 P1, T2 P2) : R1(P1);
record R3(T1 P1, T2 P2, T3 P3) : R2(P1, P2);

对于这些记录类型,合成相等性成员将如下所示:For those record types, the synthesized equality members would be something like:

class R1 : IEquatable<R1>
    public T1 P1 { get; init; }
    protected virtual Type EqualityContract => typeof(R1);
    public override bool Equals(object? obj) => Equals(obj as R1);
    public virtual bool Equals(R1? other)
        return !(other is null) &&
            EqualityContract == other.EqualityContract &&
            EqualityComparer<T1>.Default.Equals(P1, other.P1);
    public static bool operator==(R1? left, R1? right)
        => (object)left == right || (left?.Equals(right) ?? false);
    public static bool operator!=(R1? left, R1? right)
        => !(left == right);
    public override int GetHashCode()
        return Combine(EqualityComparer<Type>.Default.GetHashCode(EqualityContract),

class R2 : R1, IEquatable<R2>
    public T2 P2 { get; init; }
    protected override Type EqualityContract => typeof(R2);
    public override bool Equals(object? obj) => Equals(obj as R2);
    public sealed override bool Equals(R1? other) => Equals((object?)other);
    public virtual bool Equals(R2? other)
        return base.Equals((R1?)other) &&
            EqualityComparer<T2>.Default.Equals(P2, other.P2);
    public static bool operator==(R2? left, R2? right)
        => (object)left == right || (left?.Equals(right) ?? false);
    public static bool operator!=(R2? left, R2? right)
        => !(left == right);
    public override int GetHashCode()
        return Combine(base.GetHashCode(),

class R3 : R2, IEquatable<R3>
    public T3 P3 { get; init; }
    protected override Type EqualityContract => typeof(R3);
    public override bool Equals(object? obj) => Equals(obj as R3);
    public sealed override bool Equals(R2? other) => Equals((object?)other);
    public virtual bool Equals(R3? other)
        return base.Equals((R2?)other) &&
            EqualityComparer<T3>.Default.Equals(P3, other.P3);
    public static bool operator==(R3? left, R3? right)
        => (object)left == right || (left?.Equals(right) ?? false);
    public static bool operator!=(R3? left, R3? right)
        => !(left == right);
    public override int GetHashCode()
        return Combine(base.GetHashCode(),

复制和克隆成员Copy and Clone members

记录类型包含两个复制成员:A record type contains two copying members:

  • 采用记录类型的单个自变量的构造函数。A constructor taking a single argument of the record type. 它被称为 "复制构造函数"。It is referred to as a "copy constructor".
  • 使用编译器保留名称的合成公共无参数实例 "clone" 方法A synthesized public parameterless instance "clone" method with a compiler-reserved name

复制构造函数的目的是将状态从参数复制到正在创建的新实例。The purpose of the copy constructor is to copy the state from the parameter to the new instance being created. 此构造函数不会运行记录声明中存在的任何实例字段/属性初始值设定项。This constructor doesn't run any instance field/property initializers present in the record declaration. 如果未显式声明构造函数,则编译器将合成构造函数。If the constructor is not explicitly declared, a constructor will be synthesized by the compiler. 如果记录是密封的,则构造函数将为私有,否则将受到保护。If the record is sealed, the constructor will be private, otherwise it will be protected. 显式声明的复制构造函数必须是公共的或受保护的,除非记录是密封的。An explicitly declared copy constructor must be either public or protected, unless the record is sealed. 构造函数必须执行的第一件事是调用基的复制构造函数,如果记录继承自 object,则调用无参数的对象构造函数。The first thing the constructor must do, is to call a copy constructor of the base, or a parameter-less object constructor if the record inherits from object. 如果用户定义的复制构造函数使用不满足此要求的隐式或显式构造函数初始值设定项,则会报告错误。An error is reported if a user-defined copy constructor uses an implicit or explicit constructor initializer that doesn't fulfill this requirement. 在调用基复制构造函数后,合成复制构造函数将在记录类型内隐式或显式声明的所有实例字段的值。After a base copy constructor is invoked, a synthesized copy constructor copies values for all instance fields implicitly or explicitly declared within the record type. 无论是显式还是隐式,复制构造函数的唯一存在都不会阻止自动添加默认实例构造函数。The sole presence of a copy constructor, whether explicit or implicit, doesn't prevent an automatic addition of a default instance constructor.

如果基本记录中存在虚拟 "clone" 方法,合成的 "clone" 方法将重写它,并且如果支持 "协变返回" 功能和重写返回类型,则该方法的返回类型为当前的包含类型。If a virtual "clone" method is present in the base record, the synthesized "clone" method overrides it and the return type of the method is the current containing type if the "covariant returns" feature is supported and the override return type otherwise. 如果基本记录克隆方法是密封的,则会生成错误。An error is produced if the base record clone method is sealed. 如果基本记录中不存在虚拟 "clone" 方法,则克隆方法的返回类型为包含类型,并且方法为虚拟,除非该记录是密封或抽象的。If a virtual "clone" method is not present in the base record, the return type of the clone method is the containing type and the method is virtual, unless the record is sealed or abstract. 如果包含的记录是抽象的,合成克隆方法也是抽象的。If the containing record is abstract, the synthesized clone method is also abstract. 如果 "clone" 方法不是抽象的,则会返回对复制构造函数的调用结果。If the "clone" method is not abstract, it returns the result of a call to a copy constructor.

打印成员: PrintMembers 和 ToString 方法Printing members: PrintMembers and ToString methods

如果记录是从派生的 object ,则记录包含一个合成方法,该方法等效于声明为的方法:If the record is derived from object, the record includes a synthesized method equivalent to a method declared as follows:

bool PrintMembers(System.Text.StringBuilder builder);

private如果记录类型为,则方法为 sealedThe method is private if the record type is sealed. 否则,方法为 virtualprotectedOtherwise, the method is virtual and protected.

方法如下:The method:

  1. 对于每个记录的可打印成员 (非静态公共字段和可读属性成员) ,追加该成员的名称后跟 "=",后跟以 "," 分隔的成员值,for each of the record's printable members (non-static public field and readable property members), appends that member's name followed by " = " followed by the member's value separated with ", ",
  2. 如果记录具有可打印成员,则返回 true。return true if the record has printable members.

对于具有值类型的成员,我们将使用可用于目标平台的最有效方法将其值转换为字符串表示形式。For a member that has a value type, we will convert its value to a string representation using the most efficient method available to the target platform. 目前意味着在 ToString 传递到之前调用 StringBuilder.AppendAt present that means calling ToString before passing to StringBuilder.Append.

如果记录类型是从基本记录派生的 Base ,则记录包括合成重写等效于声明为的方法:If the record type is derived from a base record Base, the record includes a synthesized override equivalent to a method declared as follows:

protected override bool PrintMembers(StringBuilder builder);

如果记录没有可打印成员,则方法将调用 PrintMembers 具有一个参数的基方法, (其 builder 参数) 并返回结果。If the record has no printable members, the method calls the base PrintMembers method with one argument (its builder parameter) and returns the result.

否则,方法为:Otherwise, the method:

  1. 调用基 PrintMembers 方法,其中一个参数 (其 builder 参数) 。calls the base PrintMembers method with one argument (its builder parameter),
  2. 如果该 PrintMembers 方法返回 true,则将 "," 追加到生成器中,if the PrintMembers method returned true, append ", " to the builder,
  3. 对于每个记录的可打印成员,将追加后跟 "=" 后跟成员值的成员的名称: this.member (或 this.member.ToString() 值类型) ,用 "," 分隔)。for each of the record's printable members, appends that member's name followed by " = " followed by the member's value: this.member (or this.member.ToString() for value types), separated with ", ",
  4. 返回 true。return true.

PrintMembers可以显式声明方法。The PrintMembers method can be declared explicitly. 如果显式声明与预期的签名或辅助功能不匹配,或者如果显式声明不允许在派生类型中重写它并且记录类型不是,则是错误的 sealedIt is an error if the explicit declaration does not match the expected signature or accessibility, or if the explicit declaration doesn't allow overriding it in a derived type and the record type is not sealed.

记录包含与声明方法等效的合成方法,如下所示:The record includes a synthesized method equivalent to a method declared as follows:

public override string ToString();

可以显式声明方法。The method can be declared explicitly. 如果显式声明与预期的签名或辅助功能不匹配,或者如果显式声明不允许在派生类型中重写它并且记录类型不是,则是错误的 sealedIt is an error if the explicit declaration does not match the expected signature or accessibility, or if the explicit declaration doesn't allow overriding it in a derived type and the record type is not sealed. 如果合成的或显式声明的方法不会重写 object.ToString() (例如,由于中间基类型中的隐藏等 ) ,则是错误的。It is an error if either synthesized, or explicitly declared method doesn't override object.ToString() (for example, due to shadowing in intermediate base types, etc.).

合成方法:The synthesized method:

  1. 创建一个 StringBuilder 实例,creates a StringBuilder instance,
  2. 将记录名称追加到生成器,后面跟有 "{"、appends the record name to the builder, followed by " { ",
  3. 调用记录的 PrintMembers 方法,为其提供生成器,后跟 "" (如果它返回 true),invokes the record's PrintMembers method giving it the builder, followed by " " if it returned true,
  4. 追加 "}",appends "}",
  5. 返回生成器的内容 builder.ToString()returns the builder's contents with builder.ToString().

例如,请考虑以下记录类型:For example, consider the following record types:

record R1(T1 P1);
record R2(T1 P1, T2 P2, T3 P3) : R1(P1);

对于这些记录类型,合成打印成员应类似于:For those record types, the synthesized printing members would be something like:

class R1 : IEquatable<R1>
    public T1 P1 { get; init; }
    protected virtual bool PrintMembers(StringBuilder builder)
        builder.Append(" = ");
        builder.Append(this.P1); // or builder.Append(this.P1.ToString()); if P1 has a value type
        return true;
    public override string ToString()
        var builder = new StringBuilder();
        builder.Append(" { ");

        if (PrintMembers(builder))
            builder.Append(" ");

        return builder.ToString();

class R2 : R1, IEquatable<R2>
    public T2 P2 { get; init; }
    public T3 P3 { get; init; }
    protected override bool PrintMembers(StringBuilder builder)
        if (base.PrintMembers(builder))
            builder.Append(", ");
        builder.Append(" = ");
        builder.Append(this.P2); // or builder.Append(this.P2); if P2 has a value type
        builder.Append(", ");
        builder.Append(" = ");
        builder.Append(this.P3); // or builder.Append(this.P3); if P3 has a value type
        return true;
    public override string ToString()
        var builder = new StringBuilder();
        builder.Append(" { ");

        if (PrintMembers(builder))
            builder.Append(" ");

        return builder.ToString();

位置记录成员Positional record members

除了以上成员以外,具有参数列表 ( "位置记录" 的记录 ) 合成其他成员与上述成员具有相同的条件。In addition to the above members, records with a parameter list ("positional records") synthesize additional members with the same conditions as the members above.

主构造函数Primary Constructor

记录类型具有公共构造函数,该构造函数的签名对应于类型声明的值参数。A record type has a public constructor whose signature corresponds to the value parameters of the type declaration. 这称为类型的主构造函数,并导致禁止显示隐式声明的默认类构造函数(如果存在)。This is called the primary constructor for the type, and causes the implicitly declared default class constructor, if present, to be suppressed. 类中已存在具有相同签名的主构造函数和构造函数是错误的。It is an error to have a primary constructor and a constructor with the same signature already present in the class.

在运行时,主构造函数At runtime the primary constructor

  1. 执行出现在类体中的实例初始值设定项executes the instance initializers appearing in the class-body

  2. 用子句中提供的参数 record_base (如果存在)调用基类构造函数invokes the base class constructor with the arguments provided in the record_base clause, if present

如果记录具有主构造函数,则任何用户定义的构造函数("复制构造函数" 除外)都必须具有显式 this 构造函数初始值设定项。If a record has a primary constructor, any user-defined constructor, except "copy constructor" must have an explicit this constructor initializer.

主构造函数的参数以及记录的成员位于 argument_list record_base 子句的和实例字段或属性的初始值设定项中的范围内。Parameters of the primary constructor as well as members of the record are in scope within the argument_list of the record_base clause and within initializers of instance fields or properties. 实例成员将是这些位置中的错误 (类似于当前在常规构造函数初始值设定项的作用域中的方式,但使用) 的错误,但主构造函数的参数将在范围内并且可用,并将隐藏成员。Instance members would be an error in these locations (similar to how instance members are in scope in regular constructor initializers today, but an error to use), but the parameters of the primary constructor would be in scope and useable and would shadow members. 静态成员还可以使用,类似于目前普通构造函数中的基调用和初始值设定项的工作方式。Static members would also be useable, similar to how base calls and initializers work in ordinary constructors today.

如果未读取主构造函数的参数,则会生成一个警告。A warning is produced if a parameter of the primary constructor is not read.

在中声明的表达式变量 argument_list 在范围内 argument_listExpression variables declared in the argument_list are in scope within the argument_list. 与规则构造函数初始值设定项的参数列表中相同的隐藏规则也适用。The same shadowing rules as within an argument list of a regular constructor initializer apply.


对于记录类型声明的每个记录参数,都有一个对应的公共属性成员,其名称和类型取自值参数声明。For each record parameter of a record type declaration there is a corresponding public property member whose name and type are taken from the value parameter declaration.

对于 a 记录:For a record:

  • 创建公共 getinit 自动属性 (参阅单独的 init 取值函数说明) 。A public get and init auto-property is created (see separate init accessor specification). abstract具有匹配类型的继承属性被重写。An inherited abstract property with matching type is overridden. 如果继承的属性没有可 public 重写的 getinit 访问器,则是错误的。It is an error if the inherited property does not have public overridable get and init accessors. 如果继承的属性被隐藏,则是错误的。It is an error if the inherited property is hidden.
    自动属性初始化为相应主构造函数参数的值。The auto-property is initialized to the value of the corresponding primary constructor parameter. 特性可应用于合成自动属性及其支持字段,方法是使用 property:field: 语法应用于相应记录参数的属性的目标。Attributes can be applied to the synthesized auto-property and its backing field by using property: or field: targets for attributes syntactically applied to the corresponding record parameter.


具有至少一个参数的位置记录合成名为析构的公共 void 返回实例方法,其中包含主构造函数声明的每个参数的 out 参数声明。A positional record with at least one parameter synthesizes a public void-returning instance method called Deconstruct with an out parameter declaration for each parameter of the primary constructor declaration. 析构方法的每个参数都具有与主构造函数声明的相应参数相同的类型。Each parameter of the Deconstruct method has the same type as the corresponding parameter of the primary constructor declaration. 方法的主体将析构方法的每个参数分配给一个实例成员访问同名的成员的值。The body of the method assigns each parameter of the Deconstruct method to the value from an instance member access to a member of the same name. 可以显式声明方法。The method can be declared explicitly. 如果显式声明与预期的签名或辅助功能不匹配,或者是静态的,则是错误的。It is an error if the explicit declaration does not match the expected signature or accessibility, or is static.

with 表达式with expression

with表达式是使用以下语法的新表达式。A with expression is a new expression using the following syntax.

    : switch_expression
    | switch_expression 'with' '{' member_initializer_list? '}'

    : member_initializer (',' member_initializer)*

    : identifier '=' expression

with表达式不允许作为语句。A with expression is not permitted as a statement.

with表达式允许 "非破坏性转变",旨在生成接收方表达式的副本,并在中对赋值进行修改 member_initializer_listA with expression allows for "non-destructive mutation", designed to produce a copy of the receiver expression with modifications in assignments in the member_initializer_list.

有效的 with 表达式包含具有非 void 类型的接收方。A valid with expression has a receiver with a non-void type. 接收方类型必须是一条记录。The receiver type must be a record.

表达式的右侧 with 是一个 member_initializer_list 带有 标识符 的赋值序列的,它必须是接收方类型的可访问实例字段或属性。On the right hand side of the with expression is a member_initializer_list with a sequence of assignments to identifier, which must be an accessible instance field or property of the receiver's type.

首先,调用接收方的 "clone" 方法 (调用) ,并将其结果转换为接收方的类型。First, receiver's "clone" method (specified above) is invoked and its result is converted to the receiver's type. 然后,每个 member_initializer 处理方式与对转换结果的字段或属性访问的赋值相同。Then, each member_initializer is processed the same way as an assignment to a field or property access of the result of the conversion. 按词法顺序处理赋值。Assignments are processed in lexical order.